Friday, June 22, 2007

Flickr Your Convention Photos

Safranim -

Thanks for a wonderful convention. It was a joy and a pleasure to see so many of you, the sessions were great, and I learned so much as always.

I am collecting Convention photos to post for our enjoyment. So a couple of requests.

I have created a Flickr Group called Association of Jewish Libraries. If you have a flickr account, you can join this group and post photos directly to the Group Photo Pool. Please tag all convention photos "ajl2007" and "convention".

If you do not have a flickr account, consider creating one at and doing as suggested above.

If you have no idea what I am talking about, or want me to do the work, please send photos by email to, and I will post them to the Flickr group.

Photos can be found at or just go to and search for ajl2007.


~Karen Ulric
AJL Advertising Manager

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

The pictures are great - thanks for coordinating this. I especially love the pic of a bird perched on top of the cactus.